Power shopping
Today I left work for my lunch break and had only one plan in mind - to exchange the battery on my watch which died during the weekend. It's a gorgeous thing. Actually a male mdel (see pic) but I'm woman enough to carry it off. The infamous MrX gave it to me, for Xmas, when we were still a couple.
Anyway, back to the shopping. On my way from NK where I got the battery changed, I unfortunately passed by several shops. One of them a large H&M, where I very rarely set my foot (being a brand-nerd and all). Still, when I stuck my nose in there were several items screaming my name - and I left the shop with a heavy bag and not THAT much of a lighter wallet. Got to love H&M's pricing!
It's all a matter of mix&match to me. Just like your entire home can, or should, not be furnished at IKEA, but a few pieces are just fine - H&M clothing can be worn as long as you're not going "full outfit".
In my bag I now have 2 dresses. 1 white daytime dress, long enough to be worn to work, one black lace evening dress, short enough to be considered a long top. Pictures will follow*. Also from H&M - 2 blouses that I didn't even try on - very womanly and body shaped and with hooks instead of buttons. A blessing if you, like me, are a woman with curves.
Is that not annoying, the way all shirts with buttons seem to either open up an ugly hole between the two buttons covering the bust - or hang like a tent hiding the waist. Ugh!Walking to the deli where I was going to pick up the sallad that keeps my waist nice and thin I passed by a cosmetics shop, and of course had to stop by. I left the shop with a bottle of Trind Nail Repair - a product I only discovered recently but that has made all the difference to my hands. No longer do I have to go to the beauty parlor and spend zillions on adding acrylic to my poor nails to make them grow past my fingertips, Trind keeps them strong and un-flaky in their natural form. Almost magical, this thing!
Finally, I was ready for my food. But no... Only 100 meters yet to go and my eyes are drawn to a pair of jeans in a window that are JUST what I have been looking for, for ages. Italian, of course. And yes, they had them in my size - and yes, they fit beautifully. So I got them, of course**.
Now my AmEx is smoking and my arms are weary from hauling bags, but all in all I think I got a good load of shopping in on 45 minutes :)
{Disclaimer: This blog is not and have never been sponsored. I am not getting any return for recommending products, I recommend them only because they are good.}
Nuts and bolts:
* I was unable to find any good pictures of the clothes on the web, so I'll use my new camera and share later :)
** See comment above.
technorati tags: shopping, jeans, dresses, H&M, D-stag, Trind, Armani