Thursday, February 22, 2007


With my new book in hand I have today commenced ion the GI-diet. My goal is to lose no less than 5-6 inches around my pretty* but currently a tad over sized behind. What do you know, it was a good idea to buy it after all!

In good old Ms.Take Style I decided to motivate myself in a very tangible manner. So I went and bought some gorgeous underwear today. Since the panties are stretchy, I fit into them now as well, but they will start looking better and better as I shrink. And if they don't, I will reward myself by buying some NEW ones, so there!

[The upper one is a 3/4 cup (support and coverage, but risk of spillage. Spillage stays with in the lace though]
[The lower one is a 1/4-cup (that means support but no coverage;)). Velvet outside, lined with lace. Risqué - n'es pas?]

[I bought 2 pairs of the floral, in different sizes. To shink in :)
The lower pair looks absolutely insanely gorgeous on, and are also low-rise (despite the looks of the pic]

[Top 3 are the fun bunch, including fishnets, thick over-knee (shool-girl style) with buttons and black opaque moulain rouge - type stay-ups with red details]
[The bottom pile is just functional thick tights, to allow me to wear skirts in winter]

* It really is pretty. I Have a great butt. J-LO, throw your self into the wall, as we say in Swedish =)


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Anonymous said...

so i guess the doctor is out of the question and mr X is on his way back, or am i wrong?

it is always good to invest for the future and I think you are on the right track

Ms.Take said...

Mr.X is out of the picture. I think of him each day though...

Dåcktor Erik said...

The underwear looks really nice, and even nicer on, I guess.
(BTW, what's the white tape-like thing on the lower pair of knickers?)

Don't go overboard on the dieting though.

Anonymous said...

How can he be such a thickhead, is a shame. I mean, when you are so explicit in your charms and he still doesnt get the picture. Have you thought of having him brainwashed? You definitely need a new approach to this. You still want him and the ways you tried up til now have not paid off to your satisfaction. One of my old teachers used to say: If you can´t beat them, open up the circle and form a new,entire unit. Maybe he is not aware of how deep your affection is or maybe he is just swimming out their in the ocean waiting to be caught.
You must admit that women are more clever than men, so if you really want to you can catch him if you want to

Nini said...

Oooooooh very very nice!

I like them a lot! To bad I'm not single. Or a man. =/

Anonymous said...

Oh dear... You just made me want to buy a whole new lingerie wardrobe, and payday or no I can't afford it. Bad Ms Take, BAD! :) Too much inspiration... and may I add "yum" =)

Ms.Take said...

Well, Dåcktorn. It's not tape, and it's not white. It's a pink satin ribbon. The panties "lace up" along the back. Sounds wierd but looks great. It's Hot Hot Hot, trust me on this.

I don't even talk to him any more, anonymous. 1 1/2 years of my life will have to be enough. I'm not saying I wouldn't give in if he came crawling back, but I've done my fair share of trying now. I wish it wasn't so. I'm still in love with him, I still think we're made for each other. But I just have to get over it...

With the gorgeous Ella May brand at Lindex you can get some super-nice stuff without ruining yourself, Carina, so GO for it. you know you want to!

Thanks Nini. I appreciate it. But I'm kind of glad you're not single (or a man). You and C are an inspiration to me :)

Dåcktor Erik said...

Hm, it doesn't sound weird with lace-up pants. No, very hot indeed!
Guess I don't know that much about women's underwear after all.

My ex wanted me to buy her underwear, and gave em very specific instructions. I bought her books instead. Can't have too many of either I guess.